Fundamentals Course Supplemental Materials
Additional Resources:
- Regulatory Incentives and Disincentives for Utility Investments in Grid Modernization
- Handout on Revenue Requirements and RB/ROR
- Rate Design Matters: The Intersection of Residential Rate Design and Energy Efficiency
- Bonbright Principles of Public Utility Rates 1961
- Deloitte Regulated Utilities Manual 2012
- IPU Acronym List (2017)
- IPU Core Case Law (2017)
- IPU Tips for Witnesses (2017)
- NARUC DER Rate Design Manual 2016
- NARUC Rate Case and Audit Manual 2003
IPU Supplemental Materials
- ACEEE Electricity Rate Design (2017)
- ASPA Code of Ethics (2014)
- Beecher Prudent Regulator (2008)
- Bonbright Principles of Public Utility Rates (1961)
- Borenstein Economics of Fixed Costs (2016)
- CPUC Intro Cost of Capital (2017)
- Current Developments in Retail Rate Design: Implications for Solar and Other Distributed Energy Resources (2019)
- Deloitte Regulated Utilities Manual (2012)
- Duquesne Light Co. v. Barasch 488 U.S. 299 (1989)
- Economics of Fixed Cost Recovery
- EEI Delivering America’s Energy Future (2019)
- EEI Financial Review (2018)
- Energy Markets Primer (2020)
- EY European Power Regulation (2013)
- Florida Complete WAW Manual (2015)
- Incentives for Grid Modernization (2017)
- Indiana Small Water Utility Accounting Manual (2014)
- IPU Acronym List (2017)
- IPU Bib Intro to Regulation Reading List (2018)
- IPU Core Case Law (2017)
- IPU Handout on RBROR (2017)
- IPU Tips for Witnesses (2017)
- IPU Reading List
- Kentucky Modified NARUC USOA Water A-B (2002)
- KPMG European Power Sector Report (2017)
- LBL FEUR Incentives for Grid Mod Final (2017)
- Michigan PSC PBR Report (2018)
- Michigan PSC PBR Report Appendix (2018)
- MSU Water Quality (CC) Report for 2017
- NARUC Code of Ethics (1977)
- NARUC DER Rate Design Manual (2016)
- NARUC Electric Utility Cost Allocation Manual (1992)
- NARUC Rate Case and Audit Manual (2003)
- NARUC Risk Management Primer (2018)
- Ozar Incentive Regulation (2017)
- PNNL Distribution System Planning (2018)
- Texas System of Accounts for Water Utilities
- The State of U.S. Urban Water: Data and the Energy-Water Nexus (Chini & Stillwell, 2o18)
- Navigating Legal Pathways to Rate-Funded Customer Assistance Programs: A Guide for Water and Wastewater Utilities (2017)