

Janice Beecher

IPU-MSU Resident Fellow
Professor Political Science, Michigan State University,
Ph.D., Political Science, Northwestern University | Connect with Dr. Beecher through LinkedIn | Resume 

Read Bio

Erin West

Operations Manager
Institute of Public Utilities
B.S. Michigan State University


nior Fellows

Kenneth Rose

Senior Fellow, Economics
Independent Consultant, Michigan State University                         
Ph.D., Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago

Steven Kihm

Senior Fellow, Finance
Narrative 804 LCC and Slipstream Group
DBA University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Danny Kermode

Senior Fellow
Independent Consultant, Michigan State University
Certified Public Accountant
B.S., Accounting, Arizona State University

Faculty Associates 

Joydeep Mitra

MSU Foundation Professor 
Electrical & Computer Engineering, Michigan State University
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University 

    Soren Anderson 

     Faculty Associate 
     Associate Professor of Economics, Michigan State University
     Ph.D., Economics, University of Michigan 

Johannes M. Bauer

Senior Faculty Associate 
Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media, MSU
Ph.D., Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration 

Elizabeth Connors 

Faculty Associate
Assistant Professor, Michigan State University
Ph.D., Accounting, Michigan State University 

     William Knudson

      Faculty Associate 
      Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University
      Ph.D., Philosophy and Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University 

Thomas Jeitschko 

Acting Provost Michigan State University 
Ph.D., Economic Theory, University of Virginia 

Doug Jones

   Douglas Jones

     Faculty Associate 
     Professor (Emeritus) of Public Policy & Management, Ohio State University
     Ph.D., Economics, Ohio State University 

Harry Trebing

   Harry Trebing  (September 14, 1926 to August 15, 2019)

    Professor and Faculty Associate 
    Founder & Director Emeritus of the Institute of Public Utilities, Michigan State University
    Ph.D., Economics, University of Wisconsin

IPU Founding Director 1966 to 1991
“Crossing the Rubicon with Harry Trebing” (2002)
“University Creates Unit to Study Utility Problems” (1966)
Contribute to “Harry M. and Joyce C. Trebing Endowed Scholarship for Graduate Studies in Economics” here
See some of Professor Trebing’s publications here
Trebing Tributes

Trebing Tributes

Sad news indeed. A great loss. – Rajnish Barua, Delaware Public Service Commission

Harry’s NARUC courses influenced generations of regulators.  His legacy is massive.  He will be greatly missed.  Sandy Berg, University of Florida (emeritus)

Harry was certainty a giant.  Probably no single person has had such an influence. He certainly had his heart in the right place.  May he rest in peace. – Kenneth Costello, NRRI (retired)

He was definitely one of the greats. Made a lasting imprint on me early in my career. – Robert Gee  Gee Strategies Group, LLC

A huge loss for the regulatory community.  As big of an icon that we was, he would still always take the time to offer support and encouragement to people like myself. My sincere condolences to his family.  He will be greatly missed. – Doug Gegax, New Mexico State University

The word I associate with Harry is “hero.”  He was a hero of mine.  I first heard of Harry Trebing way back in my graduate school days.  Several of my professors at the University of Nebraska were friends of Harry and they would reference him and his academic work.  Little did I know that a few years later I would become involved in utility regulatory work and land at Camp NARUC.  That would have been in the mid-80’s, so Kellogg Center looked a bit different in those days.  Anyway, I was thrilled to finally meet Harry and participate in his classes.  He was masterful at employing his expertise in economics to explain complex regulatory concepts in a way that allowed for meaningful understanding by everyone in the room.  And, of course, he would spice up the sessions with side-bars employing his considerable knowledge of history.  I remember one particularly interesting foray about Patton’s engagement with Rommel in North Africa in WWII.  What a gem! Harry was a very good teacher and, more importantly, a standard-setter for regulators.  As others have said, utility regulation in the United States would not have achieved the success it has if there had been no Harry Trebing. Over the years I got to know Harry on a more personal level and he was one of the kindest individuals I have known.  Another characteristic of heroism.  He qualified on all counts.  I am very thankful to have learned from him and to have known him.   He will be missed. – Burl Haar, Minnesota Public Utility Commission (retired)

A great loss.  I am so sorry to hear this news.  We will all honor him doing good work as regulators!  – Angela Hawkins, PUCO

What a terrible loss, both personally and professionally. Regulation in the US is significantly better than it would have been were it not for Harry. – Mark Jamison, University of Florida

A good teacher and economist, a recommendation from him resulted in me being set on the path to become a commissioner. I will miss his wit as well as his more cynical moments when discussing the behavior of certain industries. He will be missed. – Karl McDermott, University of Illinois Springfield

Thank you for sharing the sad news about our much-loved and deeply-respected Harry. I’ve passed along to others in the legal regulatory community. We are united in feeling the loss of a great teacher and inspiring friend. – Eve Moran, Illinois Commerce Commission (retired)

What a wonderful life he lived. – Tommy Oliver, RGC Resources

Such a legacy. – Jill Steiner, Public Sector Consultants

Harry Trebing was a great man in so many ways. As an educator, mentor and friend Harry was exemplary. His knowledge of the industry was extensive and he was willing to share all that he knew with whoever would ask or be interested. Rest in Peace. – Branko Terzic, Consultant and former regulator

Harry was a good friend and an extraordinary mentor.  He will be missed tremendously. – Cheryl Walker Davis, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (retired)

Definitely a legacy. He touched many in the industry. Condolences to the family. – Kim M. Wissman, Consultant

Harry Trebing was a great man in so many ways. As an educator, mentor and friend Harry was exemplary. His knowledge of the industry was extensive and he was willing to share all that he knew with whoever would ask or be interested. Rest in Peace. – Branko Terzic, Consultant and former regulator