Grid School Program Materials

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Program Materials

Attendee List

Continuing Education Credits


Course Materials


Fundamentals of Power Systems and Grid Infrastructure (Mitra)

Fundamentals of Electricity Markets, Economics, & Regulation (Blumsack)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Grid Integration & Modeling for Distributed & Variable Resources (Veselka)


Supplemental Materials


ACEEE Efficiency and Wholesale Energy Price Volatility (2018)
ACEEE Energy Efficiency Markets (2017)
ACEEE Future of Utility Industry and Efficiency (2014)
ACEEE Summaries of Reports on Future of Utility Industry (2014)
American Public Power Statistical Report (2019)
Carbon Pricing 103 Effects across Sectors (2020)
Definition and Classification of Power System Stability (2004)
Disconnected: The Need for a New Generator Interconnection Policy (2021)
DOE Smart Grid Introduction (2009)
DOE Staff Report on Markets and Reliability (2017)
DOE State Engagement in Dist Grid Planning (2017)
DOE Wind Technologies Market Report (2017)
Eastern Renewable Generation Integration Study (2016)
Edison Electric Institute Financial Review (2018)
Edison Electric Institute Industry Capex Functional (2019)
E&E Utilities Aging Lexicon (2016)
EEA Renewable Energy in Europe (2017)
EEI Delivering America’s Energy Future (2019)
Electricity 101: Terms and Definitions (2020)
Energy Markets Primer (2020)
ERCOT Analysis of Transmission Alternatives for Competitive Renewable Energy Zones in Texas (2006)
EPRI Electrification Report (2018)
EPRI Sustainability Report (2017)
ESCC COVID Resource Guide (2020)
EVCA State of the Charge (2017)
Fifty States of Grid Modernization (2020)
Global Energy and CO2 Status Report (2018)
Greentech Top 10 Utility Regulation Trends (2017)
Grid Modernization Metrics and Outcomes (2017)
Hogan Missing Money Problem (2017)
IEEE Achieving a 100% Renewable Grid (2017)
IEEE Stronger, Bigger, Smarter Grid (2015)
IEI Powering the Mobility Revolution (2018)
Improving the Cybersecurity of the Electric Distribution Grid (2019)
Jay Zarnikau Billing Impact Calculator (2020)
LBNL Electricity End Uses (2017)
McKinsey Battery Storage (2018)
McKinsey Digital Utility (2016)
MIT Utility of the Future (2016)
NC 50 States of Grid Modernization (2017)
NRECA Annual Financial Report (2018)
NRECA Impact Report (2018)
NYT How New York City Gets Its Electricity (2017)
Oregon Report (2018)
Ozar Inflow-Outflow Model for DG (2016)
Regulatory Incentives for Grid Modernization (2017)
Renewable Electricity Futures Study
Renewables 101: Integrating Renewable Energy Resources into the Grid (2020)
Report of the Independent Consultants on the GreenHat Default (2019)
Retail Electric Rates in Deregulated States (2020)
Retail Electricity Choice in the US (2017)
SEE Action Guide on Energy Efficiency (2018)
Siemens Integrated DER Planning (2017)
S&P Global U.S. ISO Markets Outlook 2023
TVA Distributed Generation-Integrated Value (DG-IV): A Methodology to Value DG on the Grid (2015)
UD State of the Electricity Utility (2018)
UK ERC Intermittency Report (2017)
UK Pathways for the Electricity Sector (2016)
US Electricity Markets 101 (2020)
UBS Analysis Renewables (2017)
Utility Dive Future of Microgrids (2017)
Vox Meet the Microgrid (2017)
WEF Global Energy Transformation (2018)
Zhong Synchronized and Democratized Grids (2017)
Zhong Virtual Synchronous Networks (2016)


A Unified Framework for Defining and Measuring Flexibility in Power System (Zhao, Zheng, and Litvinov, 2016)
Impacts of High Variable Renewable Energy Futures on Wholesale Electricity Prices, and on Electric-Sector Decision Making (Seel, Mills, Wiser, 2018)
Impacts of Variable Renewable Energy on Bulk Power System Assets, Pricing, and Costs (Seel, Mills, Wiser, 2017)
The Western Wind and Solar Integration Study Phase 2 (Lew, et. al., 2013)

Lab Reports

Argonne Integrating Solar PV in Utility System Operations (2013)
Argonne NL State Energy Resilience Framework ANL December (2016)
LBNL Electrification of Buildings (2018)
LBNL Rate Impacts of Distributed Solar (2017)
LBL Barriers and Opps for Integrated DSM (2018)
LBL Distributed Solar Income Trends (2018)
LBL FEUR Grid Mod Incentives (2017)
NREL Electrification Futures (2017)
PNNL Intl Case Studies in Grid Integration (2016)


Burns Rose PURPA Title II Manual (2014)
NARUC Cybersecurity Primer (2017)
NARUC Distributed Energy Resources Manual (2016)
Synapse RAP Best Practices in IRP (2013)
USAID Regulatory Treatment of Minigrids (2017)


FERC MOPR Decision (2019)
FERC Order 841 Storage RTOs (2018)

DEFG Resources

DEFG Contingency Planning Impact on Collections (2020)
DEFG LIEIF Survey Report – Contingency Planning for Vulnerable Customers (2020)
DEFG Regulator Webinar – Contingency Plan Vulnerable Utility Customers (2020)
Estimating COVID-19 Impact on Utility Uncollectibles (2020)
Low Income Practice – Innovations and Experimentation (2020)
Regulators vs Utilities (2020)


ESPP Seminar: Pathways to Deep Decarbonization Dr. Wei Peng (2022)
Glossary of Terms used in NERC reliability standards (2023)